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The IndoML online symposium series, organised by faculty members and researchers from IITs and leading industrial research labs, aims to provide an opportunity to the students and young researchers to engage with leading researchers across the globe. IndoML was started in 2020 and the first three editions had a range of excellent speakers from across the globe, as well as a large audience. While the first two editions were held online, the third one was held in person at IIT Gandhinagar. Unlike traditional ML symposiums that focus on only CS-oriented problems, IndoML also brings researchers and practitioners from diverse domains that talks about intersection of AI with other fields of research, for example, Earth and Environmental sciences, Material and Biological Sciences, Astrophysics, etc. Last three years have included a stellar set of speakers from around the world including Chris Potts from Stanford, Michael Bronstein from Imperial College, Raymond Mooney from UT Austin, Max Welling from University of Amsterdam, Linqing Wen from the University of Western Australia, J. Nathan Kutz from University of Washington, Dragomir Radev from Yale University, Anshumali Srivastav from Rice University, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham from Google, Arnab Sinha from Amazon, Monojit Choudhury from Microsoft Turing etc. Details about the speakers for the past two iterations are available at

In keeping with the themes and innovations, IndoML 2021-2022 also experimented with a new initiative -- Datathon – that aimed towards giving students an exposure to machine learning through a problem-oriented approach. With the help of experts from academia and industry, we have curated four different datasets and corresponding problem statements. These range from problems e.g. entity recognition in a code-switching dataset, to relation extraction of Indian Languages, to question-answering tasks, to abuse detection in Indian languages. The problems were made open to a month-long challenge to students from India and abroad. We provided cash prizes to the winners of the datathon and also invited them to speak in the main online symposium.

With significant popularity and experience gained in the first four iterations, this year, we plan to organise an in-person event during 21-23rd December at BITS Goa. Our major audience comprises Master and PhD students studying in top Indian universities and colleges. In addition, we also aim to bring in famous ML-oriented research groups’ leaders. We plan to organise four types of sessions: (i) Invited talk sessions, (ii) Student Forum, (iii) Tutorials and (iv) Datathon. Invited talk sessions include talks by invited researchers including both academia and industry. Student forum presents an opportunity for the students to showcase and discuss their recently accepted papers in top-tier ML venues. Tutorials include theoretical and practical sessions on recent ML/AI challenges, datasets and frameworks. Datathons as described before, focus on solving industry relevant problems.

Overall, we plan to call 200+ students on-campus, 12-14 invited talks, two tutorials and one datathons.

In this context, we solicit your sponsorship. The bulk of the sponsorship money would be spent to support the students participation. The sponsorship categories and offerings are listed below:

Type Tariff in INR Offerings
Platinum 8 lakhs → Booth space at the venue.
→ One invited talk by a research scientist
→ One panel discussion with a group of researchers
→ Display of company logo on website, banner, backdrop, brochure.
→ Branding on the website and at the venue.
→ Branding during Dinner/Tutorial/Student session
→ 10 free registrations
Diamond 4 lakhs → Booth space at the venue.
→ One invited talk by a research scientist
→ Display of company logo on website, banner, backdrop, brochure.
→ Branding on the website and at the venue.
→ Branding during Dinner/Tutorial/Student session
→ 5 free registrations
Gold 3 lakhs → Booth space at the venue.
→ Display of company logo on website, banner, backdrop, brochure.
→ Branding on the website and at the venue.
→ 3 free registrations
Silver 2 lakh → Display of company logo on website, banner, backdrop, brochure.
→ Branding on the website and at the venue.
→ 3 free registrations

Note: The above tariff excludes GST.

Our Sponsors